Bloomberg Solutions Primer


Re-imagine the Sales Brochure; Assist sales by presenting content in a visual and engaging format, to help prospective clients better understand Bloomberg’s solutions to enhance their workflows.


The Bloomberg Sale Primer; A digital tool, accessible from anywhere*, that allows a sales representative to build a custom selection of content based on a client’s specific needs.

*Bloomberg Professional log-in credentials required


The Bloomberg Marketing Creative Studio, in partnership with Bloomberg Engineering, designed and built a custom web-based application with Node.js, using the Next.js framework for server-side rendering, powered by a WordPress CMS. It uses a combination of React and bespoke JavaScript on the front end.


Designed to encourage further conversation and engagement between a client or prospect and the Bloomberg sales representative, the Sales Primer enables the creation of on-the-fly custom presentations, as well as helping highlight existing Terminal users to new products.



For this project, I assisted Creative Director Juan David Manotas and UX/UI Team Lead Jon Brzyski, and worked with other designers to create custom graphics, .JSON animated infographics and icons.